Alex Molina

I first met Alex years ago when he was working at Birichina cafe, under Studio Jeremyville Bondi Beach. I digged him straight away, and actually everyone loves Alex, he's a favourite amongst the locals, and the visiting French and Europeans to Bondi, that calls Birichina their go-to cafe, as I do.

There's always a cool crew of French friends hanging out at the tables, and Alex plays French techno and electro music for them, from behind the coffee machine. It's definitely a vibe.

Alex also makes a great latte, always with a wink, a smile, and good vibes. He loves his tattoos, and has one on his left arm of his local brewery, Curly Lewis, which gets him 15% off all his drinks, forever. Clever guy.

Which town or city do you currently live in?
Bondi Beach

Your instagram:

What are your favourite ways to relax?
Going to Curly Lewis, having some beers after work, and seeing my favorite bartender there. I sometimes even spend the entire day there!

How do you express yourself creatively?
I'm not a creative person, but I am very creative at making friends, making them laugh and entertaining them at night! I'm also a barista, so that's kind of creative.I'm not the best at coffee art, but I'm improving everyday!

5 words that you live your life by?
Friendship, Kindness, Fun times, Laughing, and always Freedom.

Some of your favourite places in the world?
Carcassonne, Bondi Beach, Goa, Vietnam, Myanmar.